
We use London as an extension of the Maple Walk classroom. We take every opportunity to take our pupils out of school to explore the world around them. 

Previous visits have included the British Museum, Houses of Parliament, The Neasden Temple, The Museum of Childhood and The Globe Theatre. As part of our 11+ celebrations we took pupils to a climbing wall followed by pizza.

The younger children use minibuses on their trips, but as children progress through the school, learning to use public transport is part of their school trip experience.

Maple Walk pupils often join children from Faraday – their sister school in East London – for joint trips which broadens their friendship groups and social skills. They have lots of fun and create lasting memories together.

From Year 4, pupils go on residentials.  Previous years have included a bushcraft trip, where pupils stayed at a residential centre and built fires, learned survival skills, and camped under the stars.

In the summer term of Year 6, pupils attend a week-long residential camp.  Trips have included staying at a chateau in France and a PGL adventure course on the Isle of Wight.

Where Next?



Visit Us

The best way to see the school in action is to book onto an open morning. These events last approximately an hour – you will have an opportunity to meet the Head and have a tour of the school led by the Year Six pupils. We look forward to welcoming you to Maple Walk soon.

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Maple Walk School

62A Crownhill Road London NW10 4EB

Tel: 020 8963 3890

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