ISI Inspection 2020 Overview
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection Reports are the industry’s benchmark on the safety and quality of educational provision for schools in the private sector.
“Pupils’ exemplary attitudes to their learning are supported by excellent teaching which enables them to become highly effective learners”
“Pupils treat each other with considerable kindness and respect and the quality of relationships between pupils and adults is excellent”
ISI is the agency responsible for the inspection of schools who are members of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) and the quality of its services are monitored by Ofsted on behalf of the Department for Education.
In March 2020, Maple Walk had an ISI combined Focused Compliance Inspection and Educational Quality Inspection.
The Educational Quality Inspection judged Maple Walk to be Excellent (ISI’s top rating) in all areas included under the 2 sections of:
- the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements,
- the quality of the pupils’ personal development.
Some of the key findings are summarised below:
“Pupils demonstrate maturity and a wealth of knowledge across the curriculum”
“Pupils are highly skilled in literacy; they are noticeably articulate and they read with eloquence and understanding.”
“the achievement of pupils with SEND is excellent because they are identified quickly and receive high quality support”
“Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and in social situations is excellent and shows their complete engagement with the Maple Walk code of conduct”
“Pupils display high levels of self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience.”
“Pupils are socially aware and so are able to work extremely effectively with others. They collaborate freely across the age groups showing good negotiation skills.”
The School passed the Compliance Inspection, in which judgements are given either ‘met’ or ‘not met’ and all standards must be met to pass.
Visit Us
The best way to see the school in action is to book onto an open morning. These events last approximately an hour – you will have an opportunity to meet the Head and have a tour of the school led by the Year Six pupils. We look forward to welcoming you to Maple Walk soon.