ISI Inspection, May 2024 Overview

We are delighted that Maple Walk’s excellent teaching and learning has been recognised in our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report; it is a testament to the dedication of our staff and their commitment to achieving consistently high standards.

The inspectors commend the staff’s work across all areas including teaching, pupil well-being and our school community, highlighting that: ‘staff actively promote the wellbeing of pupils’ while ‘pupils are well known by the staff and supported in all aspects of their school lives’ and ‘teaching is well planned, and resources are used effectively to support pupils’ learning’.

The impact of our work can also be seen in recognition of pupils’ development, with inspectors noting that ‘pupils feel valued as individuals, and they understand the school’s values to be curious, creative and positive members of society’ and ‘pupils develop a secure sense of self and are respectful towards others’.

‘Pupils feel valued as individuals’ and ‘consistently demonstrate high levels of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self confidence.’ 

‘Leaders have developed a clear vision for the school which focuses on curiosity, creativity and community and they help to shape the teaching and learning environment as well as the pastoral care of the pupils.’

‘Pupils understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality and wider society.’

‘Pupils feel well prepared for transition to their senior school as a result of activities carefully designed by leaders to support them.’

‘Pupils speak about their work with confidence and are well supported in their learning by teachers who understand how best to help them.’

Under the new inspection framework, schools no longer receive a one-word judgement; instead, reports determine whether each section of the inspection was ‘met’ or ‘unmet’ and recommendations are given as to the next steps a school should take. To read our full inspection report, please see here.

Where Next?

Good Schools Guide


Visit Us

The best way to see the school in action is to book onto an open morning. These events last approximately an hour – you will have an opportunity to meet the Head and have a tour of the school led by the Year Six pupils. We look forward to welcoming you to Maple Walk soon.

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Maple Walk School

62A Crownhill Road London NW10 4EB

Tel: 020 8963 3890

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