Maple Walk has been the best school. I have made funny, weird and amazing friends. It has taught me so well and I am glad I came here instead of any other school. This school does well in all subjects, from at least one tournament a week to art expeditions to science experiments. If you consider this an option, then you should take it. We have the kindest teachers, the hardest working pupils and the funnest school.
– Odessa, West London Free School (WLFS)
My name is Harrison and I am going to my first choice school: Belmont. I am very excited to go to Belmont and I am very grateful for the kind and nurturing school Maple Walk has been to me for the last seven years. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life, but I will always remember Maple Walk. They have really helped me and prepared me but not in a way that has made me feel really stressed. Their approach to learning has helped me so much on my academic journey so I walked into my exam rooms thinking as long as I do my best, it will all be alright.
– Harrison, Belmont / Mill Hill
Hi, my name is Mila and I am 11 years old. I have been at Maple Walk since the start of Year 5 and I am now in Year 6 and getting ready for Year 7. What I love about Maple Walk is that it is so cosy. The teachers are all so great and supportive, all the children are so nice to each other and Maple Walk is just the best school you could ever go to. Another thing I love about this school is that you have so many opportunities. For example, last year all the children in my class, including me, went to sing at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and I LOVE sports. It is my favourite thing in the world and at this school we have so many sports competitions.
– Mila, St Augustines
I have been at Maple Maple Walk since reception and my journey has been so amazing. The 11+ experience was very hard but this school helped me so much with getting through it. The school I am going to is my favourite school I had applied to but it was a very hard one to get into.
– Jeanie, South Hampstead High School
I have been at this school for seven years and it has been the best seven years of my life. Since reception, all of the teachers have helped me with my dyslexia but the main 3 teachers in the school were Miss Sika, Miss Santa and Miss Sinclair, who helped me with the 11+.
– Arthur, Maida Vale